
Anyone can become a member of The Pony Breeders of Shetland Association and membership applications will be welcomed from Shetland pony breeders and enthusiasts worldwide.

The Pony Breeders of Shetland Association (PBSA) exists for the benefit of the Shetland Pony in Shetland and those persons concerned with their wellbeing.

Its aims are:

  • To encourage the improvement of Shetland Ponies on these Islands and to promote them within the Islands and Worldwide.
  • To look after the interests of the pony breeders on the Islands.
  • To provide a means of communication between this Association and the Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society.

Members will be kept up-to-date with shared knowledge and information relevant to the Breed including:

  • Important dates and deadlines.
  • Schemes and opportunities available to breeders and owners to improve knowledge and increase public awareness of their ponies.
  • Relevant national and international equestrian legislation.
  • Use of the PBSA website to provide a platform for members to showcase their ponies.
  • A stud-card on the PBSA website Shetland Stud Directory with colour photograph and text to advertise your stud.
  • Free advertising on the Private Sales Page of PBSA website.
  • A link to your own website on the Links Page of the PBSA website.

The PBSA works very hard on behalf of all Shetland Ponies and people including, but not restricted to, doing the following;

  • Running the Viking Shetland Pony Show to showcase your ponies
  • Developing and Running The Shetland Pony Evaluation Scheme to preserve the breed standard and recognise your ponies as the best quality to be had
  • Running the PBSA Youngstock Show to showcase your youngstock
  • Running, developing and promoting the annual Shetland Pony Sale and Show at the Marts in partnership with SLMG & ANM to protect and retain the last remaining sale in Shetland providing a market place for your ponies
  • Supporting Shetland Members to sit on the SPSBS Council to represent your best interests
  • Constantly Fundraising to allow all of the above to happen

In addition to the above, members also get reduced entry fees at PBSA events. We are always keen to hear from anyone about what more the PBSA can do for you so please let us know what you think. So why not join us in supporting the PBSA.


  • The committee reserves power to refuse membership of Association



Adult = £20.00

Junior (15 years and under) = £7.50

Joint Membership = £35.00

Family Membership = £40.00


Adult = £15.00

Junior (15 years and under) = £7.50

Joint Membership = £25.00

Family Membership = £30.00

PBSA 2024 Membership Form